
 Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Daddy Blog

Since my wife is pregnant but (understandably) doesn't want to turn her longtime blog into a "mommy blog," I'm going to try doing a "daddy blog."

The baby is due in December, so I will talk about things I learn or find interesting in this process.

Today is my dad's birthday, so I've been thinking about what I liked about his parenting. I remember he used to have his kids help him milk the cows and feed the calves, even when we were pretty young. I don't think he did it primarily because of the little help we were able to provide. I think it was much more because he wanted to spend time with us, teach us how to work, and earn a little spending money. He would wake us up at 3 or 4 in the morning to help milk cows. We were silly kids and didn't always get ready right away like we were supposed to, but I remember he was patient with us and played and joked around with us while he got us ready to go out. My dad is great.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to all your fun insights and experiences as a daddy! Keep it up!
